Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring Update

My scars are minor on my knee. I'm doing better and leg pressing 45 lbs with my right leg only! Quite impressive considering only 2 weeks ago I couldn't even bend my knee. 
I'm on the quick mend!

But in cat news..
I'm taking my cats, Charlie and Boo, to Maryland with me this summer. I'm really happy about it because I plan to use those few months to train them to use the toilet instead of their litter!
I've been reading up on it a lot and I have a lot of faith in them. While they are pretty stupidly cute, they are very adaptable to change. Maybe due to their trash cat pasts. They are pretty young too (Just turned 1 year old this month..i think).  
They were estimated to be about 5 months when I first got them so we are celebrating their birthday next weeknd. I'm getting them a window sill hammock! I'm more excited about it than they will be. 

This blog might turn into a potty training one starting this Mary haha.

2 more weeks till GRADUATION! God, I cannot wait. 

OH~! and i forgot to mention that UAB finally told me I am on their waiting list. I just have to be patient and hope I get an opening. I have a good feeling about this.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

post op

Surgery was quick and easy. I had ridiculous dreams during the procedure. I believe they were about Vh1 reality tv shows. Go figure, haha.

So now I'm stuck in my own home. A prisoner to the sofa. I guess I finally got what I asked for which has always been to be able to do absolutely nothing in peace. There are definitely positives and negatives. I am waited on by my mom; she gets me anything I need. She even made my sister bake me a cake!

I'm pretty anxious though. I can't stand not moving my leg. I don't know what my leg looks like underneath the bandages, but I can feel the tight pulling of my stitches whenever I get up. The pain medication does nothing for me except make me itch all over.

I can't wait to be able to walk and drive again.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Life After May

Still waiting to hear back from grad schools. I really hope I get into UAB. It's sad because part of me wants to wait to go to grad school and just work for a year, but the other part wants to make my parents proud. They really are depending on me to rake in the big bucks because it is looking less and less like my brother or sister are going to be going anywhere anytime soon. It's a lot of pressure to be this hero of the family sort of. It makes it really easy to lose sight of what makes me happy. 
I only know that animals, my family, and Dannon are going to be constants in my life right now. Well, the last one is more of a wish. He has lately been talking about moving in together after graduation in May. I've been giving it more and more thought and it gets more appealing the more I play around with the idea. I would be far from my family still, but I'd be doing something exciting. If I got into UAB, then it would be perfect. If I don't get in, should I still stay in Birmingham? Or should I go back to Maryland and live with my family and work? If i get in to one of the schools I applied to, should I just go get my masters in forensic science for 2 years? I have no idea. 
Life used to be so easy to plan out. High School > College> Happiness? That last part is where it gets fuzzy. 
Please Please PLEASE, UAB. accept me into your program!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Landon Christopher Morales

So one of my best friends from Middle and High School had a baby recently. It's pretty amazing. I would never have guessed it would happen so fast, but it did and I'm just sad I can't be there to see her and the baby at UNC. I was especially surprised by the news because of her upbringing in a strict Vietnamese home. Her mother was always very tough, but I guess in a situation like this the whole family has to get on board because life is too short to regret.
I only met the daddy once, but he seemed really sweet and fun. He doesn't seem scared about becoming a dad like I had expected. Before I used to think that if I ever got pregnant so young I would just freak, but seeing Josephine so calm and collected really makes me think otherwise.
I know they are going to be okay in the end. I'm so excited to see them all. I want to babysit and see him grow.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My hair smells like smoke

I've always searched for a job I could do the very least amount of work and get the most amount of money for it. I finally found it. I'm a miller lite girl. Yes, it is pretty cheesy and kind of skanky but it is
the easiest and highest paying part-time job I have every heard of.  I work weekends or nights so I have time for school and I'm making so much money for it. I feel pretty lucky, actually, even though friends roll their eyes and scoff when I tell them it's not as slutty as they think it is. Who cares? I'm young, I'm pretty, and I have very litte shame to speak of. I'm cool with it :)

The only downside is that I don't see any money until like 3 weeks after a promotion. So right now I'm pretty piss-poor and I wrote my mom a check that is almost $80 short. 
I could ask Dannon to back me up financially this month, but I feel bad. I might just have to sell plasma, but all my free time is bascially filled with this job. I think I'm going to have to just bite the bullet on this one and just deal with the over withdrawal fee they are going to hit me with when my mom cashes the check. I'll have way more than I need in March and more on it's way after that. 

I should have been smarter with money before I started making any. duh. I'm an idiot.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

OH hey again!

So I haven't updated in a while. My b.
A lot has happened since my last post.
quick rundown:
  • tore my ACL and MCL
  • haven't gotten surgery yet (waiting till March)
  • got rejected from FBI internship
  • STILL have 3 cats that need homes
  • finished applications to grad schools
  • got a job promoting Miller brand beers! woot for $$$!
  • I'm also about to take a test in Microbiology
So yea, that's all that's new in my life. I'm just getting by and trying to keep up with classes, therapy, lab, and work. Oh and can't forget about that social life. I'm definitely trying to have fun this semester. It's my last one here and I have my friends all back from Japan and China. What more could I ask for?

Friday, November 21, 2008

going with the flow

So for the past couple of weeks I have been really unsure about what I want to accomplish in life. I'm still without a clue, but I have realized that I never knew what i wanted and yet things still work out.
Alabama is a great example of how I just went with the flow of what was happening in my life. I had no idea where to choose to go to undergrad. It was just chance that Alabama tell me to apply for a free scholarship. I did and the rest is history.
I know it worries Dannon, but I have no concrete plan for my life. I am just taking all this step by step.
My first goal is to quit being a hermit in my room. Just because Katie and George are out of town does not mean I have nothing else to do for fun.
I need to get over sleeping in too. I love sleeping, but I have to realize I'm really messing up my grades for attendance. God I hate when teachers take attendance. Oof.
Next, I need to go back to lab. You know how when you miss so many days that you just are afraid of going back for fear that your teacher is going to hold it against you? Yea, that's where I'm at and it sucks because it's only going to get worse the longer I am gone. I can't use my injury as an excuse anymore. I can walk just fine.
Speaking of walking; I need to start going back to physical therapy. Ugh. Another case of being afraid to return. I need to get over that real soon. I'm so dumb.
And finally, I NEED to study for the GRE. I'm, not planning on getting highest score of the year but I need to do better than last time. It's just one month away and I have no excuse aside from not being motivated. One month of sacrifice is nothing. Grow up, Dale.

If I change all these little things about my life, I think I can get back on track and be less stressed and overall more happy. People have always told me I don't take care of myself and it's true. I'm about to graduate and I can't take care of my needs without someone pushing me. I'm too old for this. I can't rely on someone else to help me out of every situation. I need to learn to rely on me. I really hope I do all these changes. They start on Monday. This weekend I will clean up my room and reorganize it. Maybe that will motivate me to start over and finish this semester up strong.